Why Should We Trust God's Process?

If you're seeking more ways to trust in God as you build your ministry online and in the marketplace, here are 8 reasons that will help you understand why trusting God is critical to your success. 

Trusting God's Plan for Your Life and Ministry: 8 Reasons to Believe

  1. Trusting God enables us to set goals and work towards them, despite the challenges that may arise.  (Isaiah 40:31; Galatians 6:9 / Proverbs 9:21)

  2. Recognise that setbacks are often necessary steps in God's plan for your life and ministry. (Proverbs 16:9 / Psalm 119:105 / 1 Peter 4:10;Matthew 5:16)

  3. Trusting God means giving Him the freedom to direct and guide our steps in life and ministry. (Romans 8:28,12:2 / Matthew 6:33) 

  4. God's guidance can be found in scripture, which can lead us to make wise choices. (Jeremiah 29:11–12; Isaiah 55:8-9)

  5. Trusting God allows us to move in the direction he has planned for us.  (Luke 18:27)

  6. Trusting God's plan means we can trust that everything will work out for our good. (Proverbs 16:9 / Acts 1:7)

  7. God's divine plan for our lives and ministry will come to fruition in His timing. (Proverbs 16:3 / 3:5-6 / Psalms 37:3–4; Habakkuk 2:3)

  8. Trusting God demonstrates our faith in His ability to help us complete our goals in ministry. (1 Corinthians 9:24; Colossians 3:23–24)

"Trusting God's plan for your ministry means you can focus on your part while God does His".


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